Photinia Red Robin - Photinia x fraseri - 140mm Pot END OF BATCH / IMPERFECT STOCK.
Lilly Pilly Small Leaf - Syzygium Luehmannii
French Lavender - Dentata END OF BATCH / IMPERFECT STOCK.
Pink Escallonia - Escallonia Rubra Macrantha
Camellia Sasanqua Pure Silk
Gardenia Augusta Florida - 140mm pot
Lilly Pilly - Acmena Smithii - 140mm Pot
Port Wine Magnolia - Michelia Figo
Orange Jasmine - Murraya Paniculata - 140mm Pot
English Lavender Hidcote Blue - Lavandula Angustifolia
Glossy Abelia - Abelia x Grandiflora
Japanese Pittosporum - Pittosporum tobira
Pittosporum Silver Sheen - Pittosporum tenuifolium
Hebe Blue Gem
Yeddo Hawthorn - Rhaphiolepis umbellata
Juniperus Skyrocket - Juniperus Virginiana
NZ Christmas Bush - Metrosideros Thomasii
Indian Hawthorn - Rhaphiolepis Indica
Azalea Indica Splendens Pink
Azalea indica - Brides Bouquet
Tetratheca fairy bells
Leighton Green Conifer – Leyland Cypress