Hiryu is tall and bushy shrub with dark, glossy foliage. A very popular variety, the large single to semi-double flowers are a deep rose shading to red at the petal edge.
Ideal for screens, hedges, large containers, topiary and as general landscaping plants. The perfect plant for any garden style.
Common Name:
Camellia 'Hiryu'
Botanical Name:
Camellia sasanqua 'Hiryu'
Plant size:
Approx 12 - 15cm
Pot size:
50mm pot.
Max growth:
Approx 4m high and 2m wide.
Regular tip pruning to maintain formal shape and encourage dense growth especially if hedging or topiarying.
The biggest danger to planting camellias is planting them too deep. They are shallow rooting and prefer a moist (not wet) fertile, well drained soil. Mulching is essential to prevent the shallow roots from drying out in hot weather
Apply a six month slow release fertiliser in Spring and Autumn with camellia and azalea food.