Mat Rush Lomandra - Longifolia
Euonymus japonicus (Golden) - Aureo-marginatus
Hedera Helix - English Ivy Hahn's Self-Branching Hedera Helix
Mondo Grass - Ophiopogon Japonicus
Hairpin Banksia spinulosa
Duranta Sheenas Gold - Duranta Repens
Bower of Beauty - Pandorea Jasminoides
Pigface Magenta - Mesembryanthemum
Murraya Paniculata Plant - Orange Jasmine (Murraya Hedge / Mock Orange)
Dwarf Golden Biota - Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana'
Asiatic Jasmine - Trachelospermum asiaticum
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Dwarf Lilly Pilly - Acmena Smithii Minor
Variegated New Zealand Christmas bush
Rhaphiolepis 'Snow Maiden' Indian Hawthorn
Duranta Geisha Girl Plant - Duranta Repens
French Lavender - Dentata END OF BATCH / IMPERFECT STOCK.
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Gardenia Augusta Florida - 140mm pot
Cabbage Tree Purple - Cordyline Australis
Crimson Bottlebrush - Callistemon Citrinus
Spartan Juniper conifer - Juniperus Chinensis Spartan
Bougainvillea Scarlet O Hara
Photinia Red Robin - Photinia x fraseri
Gymea Lily - Doryanthes excelsa
Rock Gardenia - Gardenia Augusta Radicans
Photinia Red Robin - Photinia x fraseri - 140mm Pot END OF BATCH / IMPERFECT STOCK.
Frangipani White - Plumeria
Lilly Pilly Resilience - Syzygium australe
Juniperus Blue Rug - Juniperus Horizontalis
Polka Dot plant Pink - Hypeostas phyllostachya
Devil's Blush - Leucadendron Salignum